All posts by mwwa
| June 8, 2015
The Multicultural Community Reception hosted by Minister for Multiculturalism at Parliament House
| April 26, 2015
Today, the 25th of April 2015, marks 100 years since landing of the Anzacs in Gallipoli. Despite being...
| March 2, 2015
Clean Up Australia Day 2015 MWWA doing it for Australia
On Sunday March 3rd 2015, volunteers of the Muslim Women’s Welfare of Australia participated in the annual Clean...
| March 2, 2015
Clean up Australia Day 2015
Since 2005 MWWA has been a strong advocate for Clean Up Australia Day. We encourage everyone who...
| February 22, 2015
International Womens day – “Make it happen”
Women, whether mothers, carers or workers have played a profound role in all our lives. In celebrating international...
| January 6, 2015
Women and Girls at risk Symposium
With numerous migrant women and girls continuously facing considerable health and social issues, a symposium held during...
| January 5, 2015
Mawlid Concert 2015 1436
| December 20, 2014
2015 Multicultural Mawlid Festival
| December 20, 2014
The Horrendous Sydney Siege
Darul-Fatwa Responds with a Message of Peace and Harmony after the Horrendous Sydney Siege. It is indeed...
| October 24, 2014
All praise is due to Allah and may Allah raise the rank of our Master Muhammad and protect his nation from which he fears...