International Womens day – “Make it happen”
Women, whether mothers, carers or workers have played a profound role in all our lives. In celebrating international Women’s day and in line of this year’s theme “Make it happen” MWWA cordially invites you to attend an event in honour of our women whose dedication to giving and devotion to care have truly made it happen!
We welcome you to help us honour their commitment to making it happen by sharing the inspiring stories of women you know by emailing contactus@mwwa.org.au.
The event will be held on Sunday 8th of March at 10am. The location will be at the Grand Hall in Liverpool.
A light lunch will be provided and Please RSVP by the 6th of March for catering purposes
RSVPs can be made by calling the following:
Zeina: 0415 244 744
Mona: 0416 044 410
A donation for MWWA members of $5
And for non members $10.
We look forward to seeing you all there!!
Please note this is a female only event
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