Clean Up Australia Day 2015 MWWA doing it for Australia
On Sunday March 3rd 2015, volunteers of the Muslim Women’s Welfare of Australia participated in the annual Clean Up Australia Day campaign.
Members of MWWA who come from different walks of life, gathered in the Nagle Street playground of Liverpool collecting recyclable and non-recyclable rubbish.
Since 2005, MWWA has been a strong advocate for Clean Up Australia Day and has always encouraged everyone, young and old to lend a helping hand to come and support this initiative. Enthusiastically inviting people to participate in this year’s campaign, the president of MWWA, Mrs Faten El Dana OAM said:
“MWWA strongly encourages everyone to participate in this initiative. Clean up Australia day is a wonderful opportunity for people to rejoice in what it means to be Australian, particularly mateship and care…”
MWWA’s volunteers included young females, some of which are still studying, others part of the Australian workforce, but bound together by shared values of sustainability, cleanliness and environmental protection.
Heeding the call of Mrs El Dana, the volunteers also stressed the importance of taking part in such an important environmental initiative, as it promotes environmental protection and sustainability.
Mary Baker, MWWA member and a local high school teacher said:
“I think Clean Up Australia day is very important as it consistently reminds our children – actually all members of our community – that we need to preserve the environments around us.”
To demonstrate their commitment to the environment, university students have also actively participated on the day and expressed their delight in supporting MWWA’s environmental campaign. Explaining how Clean Up Australia has become almost a cultural practice, Mona Abu Zalaf said:
“It might be just one day of cleaning communally, but the positive attitude to environmental protection I gain on that one day stays with me year around”.
MWWA would like to thank all volunteers for their valuable contributions to the 2015 Clean Up Australia day. We look forward to our future participation in this important campaign for environmental preservation.
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