2017 MWWA Ramadan Iftar
The Muslim Women’s Welfare of Australia held its annual Ramadan Iftar dinner on Sunday the 4th of June. It was an exhilarating night that celebrated the glorious month of fasting. Every year, the MWWA reserves a day in Ramadan to gather women in the community, particularly converts and university students, to gather around one table and break their fast together. As with all iftars held by MWWA, many women attended with excitement and sincerity and this year was no exception. A large array of food cuisines filled the centre of the hall prepared as a feast for the patiently fasting women. The food was prepared by a dedicated team of volunteers who spent their entire day preparing in sincerity to feed the attendees and everyone agreed it was a delicious dinner and a luxurious way to break our fast! The food ranged from traditional dishes like Fatteh and Salad to appetisers and mixed rice dishes.
The captivating essence of the dinner was the harmonious atmosphere that brought all the Muslim sisters from various cultural backgrounds joining together in breaking their fast. The women enjoyed a screening of the original ‘MWWA establishment’ video which featured a variety of achievements, past events and exciting rewards that the MWWA has given back to the community in the past. The sisters were able to enjoy an enlightened Religious lesson by Hajjeh Faten El Dana OAM about the importance and the merits of fasting the month of Ramadan. Other important factors specific to Ramadan were mentioned such as thinking of those in need and the wisdom of fasting the way that the Muslims are obligated to. Hajjeh Faten reminded the women to make the most of this month by praising God for the endowments we are given in this life and cherishing them. Overall, many women were inspired to make the most of the remaining days of Ramadan. This was closely followed by a beautiful chant performed by sister Mariam Saad, titled: Ramadan you are so dear’, the greatest month of the year’.
Attendees then enjoyed several games and activities including the infamous Koosa game and the Mystery Box challenge, where contestants competed against each other for prizes. Sweets, coffee and a lovely vibe filled the air as the women stayed back to enjoy one another’s company. Indeed, it was an opportunity for women who may not regularly see one another to spend time and mingle.
The night was perfectly summed up by one of the attendees as ‘ it was absolutely amazing’. The MWWA is always looking for ways to give women a platform of social interaction and in the blessed month of Ramadan is a perfect opportunity to remind one another of those in need. We would like to sincerely thank everyone who assisted in organising this beautiful function, may Allah reward you for your efforts. Another word of thanks goes to all the sisters for their attendance on the night and most importantly wishing you and your families a Ramadan Mubarak.
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