Multicultural Health Week 2016 Caring for Carers
Today, The Muslim Women’s Welfare of Australia hosted yet another beneficial community event in partnership with the Multicultural Health Communication and the Muslim society of Liverpool under the heading “Caring for carers” supporting people who care for someone.
The session began with a welcoming speech delivered by the MWWA President, Mrs Faten El Dana OAM, highlighting the contribution of carers and the Religious judgment about caring for those who need someone to care for them.
That was followed by an informative presentation conducted by Mr Rafic Hussein RN MPH MHM Phd candidate WSU in which he discussed the challenges facing carers and the different support services available to assist those individuals who choose to become carers to those dependent on others.
Later, a chant was performed by sister Ayouch Abdullah.
The audience then were captivated by the story of Mr Hassan Nafeh, a Carer, who shared his invaluable experience of caring for his wife.
The session was concluded with serving lunch and distributing various pamphlets containing lots of helpful information on various services and assistance for both carers and their clients.
More pamphlets could be obtained by sending a message to: contactus@mwwa.org.au
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