President Mrs Faten El Dana OAM when she visited the Al Nour Mosque in Christchurch New Zealand
They were very emotional moments for MWWA President Mrs Faten El Dana OAM when she visited the Al Nour Mosque in Christchurch New Zealand, where the atrocities were perpetrated by the criminal terrorist on Friday 15th of March. The mosque has been cordoned off by police due to the investigation process that took longer than usual due to the large number of victims. However, as soon as the authorities opened the doors of the mosque to the public, Hajjah Faten was among the first to walk in and see first hand the scene of the worst terrorist attack that ever took place in the history of New Zealand. Reflecting on the ugly scene of how the 50 innocent worshippers were assassinated, one can’t hold back tears of sadness and bewilderment .
May Allah have mercy on their souls.
بعد اكثر من اسبوع سمحت السلطات النيوزلندية للناس ان يدخلوا الى مسجد النور الذي لا زالت تجري فيه عمليات الترميم اثر الإعتداء الإرهابي الذي حصل يوم الجمعة في الخامس عشر من ءاذار مارس. ولقد كانت الزيارة التي قامت بها الحاجة فاتن الدنا الى هذا المسجد مؤثرة جدا بحيث لا يستطيع الزائر وهو يتذكر مشاهد القتلى الابرياء الذي قتلهم ذاك الإرهابي المتطرف وهم يؤدون صلاة الجمعة ان يمنع الدموع ان تنهمر حزنا على ما اصابهم.
الله نسأل ان يرحمهم ويلهم اهلهم الصبر والسلوان.
President Mrs Faten El Dana OAM when she visited the Al Nour Mosque in Christchurch New Zealand
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